Mabel Parents Update

Hello Mabel Rush Parents,
It's a busy time of year and only getting busier. On this weeks agenda:

1. If you know any five year-old (or will be five by Sept. 1st), please make sure that they know that Kindergarten Registration is this Wednesday, March 16th from 3:30-6:30. All forms will be available, a bus driver will be present to answer questions, our Parent Group will talk "parent to parent," and a kindergarten classroom will be open for exploration while parents can ask a kindergarten teacher questions. Full-day registrations are due March 31st for the annual April 1st lFull Day Kindergarten Lottery. If unable to attend Kindergarten Registration, drop by the school (or on-line forms available) anytime for forms and answers.
2. The 4th and 5th graders have started taking the OAKS Math Assessment and the 3rd grade will be right behind them. The test has been recalibrated this year to be a better predictor of success in future years. Thus, instead of 90-95% of our students meeting or exceeding the test standard, this year students around the state will probably score at 50-60% meeting the standard. The district will provide detailed information about recalibration in the near future. I just thought I'd forewarn you in case you have a 4th or 5th grader!
3. Mabel Rush students asked their teachers numerous questions about hurricanes and tsunami's last Friday. Please know that when current events are at the forefront of young minds we will stop reading, writing, and math to take the time to address such issues. Several students expressed fear while most didn't have correct information. We practice earthquake drills twice a year and our next one is scheduled for April.

Cross your fingers for some sunshine during Spring Break!
Shannon Stueckle