School Supplies will be provdided

The following message was sent out from the District Office regarding school supplies 

To the elementary school families in Newberg Public Schools,

Each year, purchasing school supplies is a sign of hope for the new school year. We’ve recognized that in the middle of that joy is a lot of stress for some families, wondering how they will be able to afford what is needed for their student, let alone the supplies schools have traditionally asked people to bring to share with the class.

We want to help every single student have everything they need for school this year! As a district, we did the hard work in the budgeting process so that we will provide basic school supplies for every student in our elementary schools this year. (There may be a few unique things you need to purchase for your student’s particular class, but we’ve tried to cover the basics.) We are excited to have families and students focus on learning as we return to in-person learning!

We look forward to working with you to educate your student this year!

Thank you,

John McAndrews, Antonia Crater Elementary Principal

Reed Langdon, Dundee Elementary Principal

Scott Murphy, Edwards Elementary Principal

Brian Wood, Ewing Young Elementary Principal

Jen Bailey, Joan Austin Elementary Principal

Tim Lauer, Mabel Rush Elementary Principal