Weather and Emergency Closure Notification

Newberg Oregon School District

Hazardous weather or unexpected emergencies may require changes in school and bus schedules. For the latest information on Newberg Public School schedules:

Area radio and TV Stations

Mobile App Notification
Receive emergency and school information notifications delivered to your mobile device with the free Newberg School District mobile app. Customize your settings to receive immediate notifications from your student's school in any one of 60 languages. Download the free Newberg SD app for iPhone or Android devices.


E-mail and Text Messages
Make sure your student's school has your current e-mail address to receive e-mail notification of changes in school schedules at home or work. In the event of power outages, we will continue to use text messaging. Please be sure your school has your current contact information.

Community members and non-parents wishing to receive school emergency information via text or email may create a NSD account using the link below.

Social Media 
Schools will communicate any changes in schedules, bus information or closures via Twitter and Facebook. These social media messages will also be communicated through our mobile app on on Newberg Public Schools accounts.

Website Alert:

Automated Telephone Notification
An automated telephone notification system will contact home, cell and work telephone numbers in the event of an emergency or school closure. A single, primary telephone number will be called in less immediate situations. 

Telephone Hotlines
School Closure Information Line: 503-554-5001
First Student Snow Line (bus routes) 503-538-5897

In case of an emergency

  • Students and staff in each school will follow a plan developed with local law enforcement and emergency agencies.
  • Parents should listen to radio or tv stations, check the district mobile app, website or their email
  • The district will use the automated calling system in the event of an emergency
  • If students and staff must be evacuated from school, parents will be instructed where to pick children up


School Closure Procedures
Severe weather, power outages or other conditions may require schools to start late, cancel classes or close early. The decision to cancel classes or delay the start of school will be made by 5:30 a.m.

Schools will close unless the majority of the students in the district can travel safely. Weather on the mountains may be hazardous, while roads in town are safe for travel.

If schools are forced to close during the school day, every effort is made to contact parents. Notification will be sent out on the mobile app, text messages,  through local media, social media, website, hotlines and telephone calls. Parents are encouraged to develop a plan for their child in the event of an early closure.