It's a busy time at Mabel Rush, full of fun and learning! We're very focused on academics this week but grab opportunities for fun as well:
* Many asked who won the Duck/Beaver war...... The ducks won the canned food drive, the Beavers won the book drive, and the ducks won the "vote by cupcake" activity at lunch.
* The 5th grade Student Council has planned a "Twin Day" dress-up day for this Friday, December 17th. Students will go room to room to explain it to students -- they will find a buddy and decide how to look alike.
* The Site Council just revised our Math goal based on the current change of standards and the upcoming revision of the math state assessment. We don't want to scare the community when our current scores of 90+% students meeting the standard will fall to about 65%. This will happen statewide.
* This Friday morning we're having our annual school-wide Holiday Read-In from 8:45-10:00. If you have a holiday favorite that you would like to read to a class, contact the teacher before the schedule is full.
* Lastly, if you are available to join us for the annual Holiday Sing Along on Friday at 2:00, it is always fun. There's great joy when the entire school sings together, punctuated by a little silliness from the staff
Have a wonderful holiday with your family!
Shannon Stueckle