Mabel Parents Update

Mabel Rush is always full of fun and positive events. But this week we received some really wonderful news -- we were once again rated as an Outstanding School. This was somewhat unexpected because we've reached the point that the improvement index is difficult to achieve. Let's celebrate!

We are also just $2,000 from reaching this year's Lion Walk goal. It is quite possible that the Parent Group will be able to fully fund their budget this year (all fieldtrips,all assemblies, classroom extras) if all the uncollected donations come in this week.

Our staff development time last Thursday and Friday was incredibly valuable. I don't recall ever having two national presenters on our campus working with us. Most of our work was in the area of writing.

The Site Council met for the first time last week and will begin the process of writing a new multi-year School Improvement Plan. We'll have a math goal, reading goal, and a writing goal.

This Tuesday a team of teachers and parents will be going to Canby to see how they use i-Pods to improve student learning, especially in the struggling student. This should be interesting!

Lastly, our Parent Group meets this Tuesday, both at 8:35am and 7:00pm. They are hoping to offer two meetings to meet the needs of parents who would like to participate. The evening meeting will provide babysitting.

Shannon Stueckle