Happy New Year! 2012 has a nice ring to it!
Yesterday all of the teachers in the school district attended a training about the power of corrective feedback to increase the skills of young writers. Writing is the one area that many students can find frustrating -- their brains work faster than they can organize their thoughts and get out a word correctly spelled with letters correctly formed -- it's such a complex task. Current research is clear that corrective feedback is the most effective technique to move students along the writing developmental continuum.
Thank you Mabel Rush families for supplying the food for the holiday meal/pantry boxes and thank you to the staff for supplying all the gifts -- numerous Mabel Rush families were surprised with your generosity this holiday season. Makes me tingle inside!
The Newberg School District is going to attempt to communicate electronically in 2012! I highly encourage you to regularly check our website for both of our monthly newsletters, menus, schedules, etc. A few paper copies of each item will be in the mailboxes outside the office door for families that would prefer this form of communication. Our secretary, Marilyn, does a great job of keeping our website timely and accurate, so you might add our website to your "favorites:" www.newberg.k12.or.us/mabelrush
Many Mabel Rush families thoroughly enjoyed the "Boys" workshop when it was last offered several years ago. It's being offered again every Thursday evening in February -- and it's free! Presenter Dan Busch will outline how boys are wired, their needs, and how to effectively parent boys. Contact Mr. Busch at buschd@newberg.k12.or.us to enroll.
This month the character trait we're teaching is "perseverance." If the opportunity arises we encourage you to use this word, discuss how someone has persevered, encourage your child to persevere through a difficult task, etc. It's a word that students aren't as familiar with as our previous character traits!
Shannon Stueckle