Have you got your dancin' shoes on? We're ready for the first Mabel Rush Family Dance or Sock Hop that we know of. It will be fun if you come to boogie, watch a little Zumba, or just hang out. Please consider joining us tomorrow evening, Friday, from 6:00-8:00pm.
The annual boxtop "snowball fight" is the contest students look most forward to -- they now use strategy and classes stop to ponder not only who to throw their snowballs at, but when. It was the most successful snowball fight ever -- $733 was raised through box top donations during this contest! Mrs. Bower's class brought in almost 1,000 boxtops!! Mrs. Acosta's class had the fewest snowballs thrown at them while Mrs. Stone's class had the most thrown at them by a landslide -- or is that an avalanche?
If your student currently attends Mabel Rush, but lives in a different attendance area, you must submit the required paperwork by March 15th if you are requesting a transfer for the 2012/13 school year. This is much earlier due to a new Oregon law -- House Bill 3681 related to Open Enrollment. No requests will be accepted after that date. You can get the paperwork through the district office or at any school.
Due to Valentine's Day family activities there will be no evening Parent Group Meeting on February 14th. We'll see you Tuesday morning at 8:35.
Report Cards went home with students today. I didn't see a single tear in the halls so I'm assuming that all is well. If you have questions or concerns please contact the teacher and schedule a conference -- we want each child to experience as much success as possible.
We'll looking for a few regular volunteers who might want to help 5th graders with their math fact fluency. We have a program we plan to utilize with those few that could benefit from extra practice. Contact me if you want more information -- we want to get it started soon.
We're still hopeful that a parent will want to bring leadership to Chess or Scrabble on a regular basis. Wednesday mornings have worked well in the past but it does not need to be at this time. I'd love to hear from you if you have an interest.
Happy Valentines Day!
Shannon Stueckle