Mabel Parents Update

Mabel Rush wouldn't be the same without our numerous parent volunteers. We love and admire all the assistance we so regularly get in the classrooms, from home in the evening, organizing from work, donations, and club leadership. It would simply not be the same experience for children without this incredible support. THANK YOU sincerely.

We have recently encountered students who are enjoying pretending to have piercings in their nose, eyebrows, and lips by using several small super magnets to create this image. These magnets are sold in quantity in local stores and are intended for creative building. BUT, they can be a serious hazard if swallowed since the magnets can block the colon. Please help us by talking to your students about the appropriate use of these items. We confiscate them (and all toys) when we see them.

If you haven't been to a Math 24 competition consider joining the Mabel Rush 4th and 5th grade teams this Saturday at Mountain View Middle School beginning at 9:00am. Mabel Rush always does well whenever math is the topic!

Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 5th for Mabel Rush fun for all -- our first Saturday Carnival! The old-fashioned dunk tank will make it's "damp" appearance along with new activities sure to create fun.

Shannon Stueckle