Wow, the school year just started, didn't it??? Now the end is in sight.............
check out the Lost and Found now located in our halls! There are 18 bags of it so something just has to be yours. Anything left at the end of the month will be donated to our Transitions Program (Special Ed. for 18-22 year olds) where they will clean and organize all the items and donate them to charity.
we'd love help with the afternoon Field Day events on Thursday. There is room for lots of volunteers and this year it will be fun in the sun -- it's been a long time since we've had a nice field day!
keep your student reading and practicing their math facts all summer. The Public Library Program is excellent, reading your children literary classics (Moby Dick, Anne of Green Gables, Call of the Wild, etc.) is fun and provides a strong foundation, and math can be done through cookie baking, computer programs, and games.
the last day to order school supplies (optional -- just offered as a convenience) is this Friday
the office closes June 22nd and will open again mid/late August.
Have a great summer with your kids!
Shannon Stueckle