What is Curriculum Night and why is it important this time?
We're making a concerted effort to get all parents to Curriculum Night this year because it is a critical 30 minutes in the classroom with just parents and the teacher. Education has changed dramatically in the last few years as our nation has adopted standards called the Common Core. This means that for the first time, every child of the same grade level will get the same topics of instruction throughout our nation and they must be mastered to the same standard. This standard is very rigorous and Oregon students and parents will feel this change. For the first time students must meet these standards to receive a high school diploma. Each teacher will be outlining the key Common Core elements for the school year, how parents can support their children, volunteering in the classroom, and of course, the fun -- parties, fieldtrips, etc.
The Boy Scouts, Reading For All, and our favorite Parent Group will also be present in the lobby to answer questions and get sign up's underway. You can do this as you enter or during the Open House part of the evening. This is what the program looks like:
6:30-7:00 1st/2nd grade students to Music Room for cartoons (younger siblings welcome) while parents are in 1st/2nd grade classrooms
7:00-7:30 Open House -- Parents collect their students and visit other classroom, meet the counselor, see the gym, meet a specialist, and sign up in the lobby
7:30-8:00 3rd-5th grade students to gym for open play while parents are in 3rd-5th grade classrooms
The Open House element between the two programs is designed to allow contact with any staff parents may want to see as well as allow families to come/go for the part of the program most appropriate to them. We look forward to seeing all of Mabel Rush Thursday evening.