Mabel Parents Update

We're off and running with a school full of smiles!  The routines are starting to settle in and that's when it feels really good.

    This week is DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) Week.  Each student will experience little one-minute reading assessments in the library with Mabel Rush staff.  We use this information as one of many assessments to pinpoint student skill progress, but it is the only school-wide assessment that also compares us to national standards.
    Sadly, it's also head lice time.  Please check your child for head lice frequently this time of year (it seems to build through November) and remember that students must both be treated and nit-free before returning to school
    We'll be doing a great deal more electronic communication this year as we transition over the next couple years to paper-free.  If you encounter other parents who are feeling "disconnected" would you please have them call me directly so I can get them lined up with a communication stream that will work for them.
    Your students came home yesterday with information about our ONLY school-wide fundraiser that involves students.  They have a pledge sheet to obtain pledges for our fun run, called the Lion Walk, on the new high school track, September 28th.  You are invited to come watch, to run with us, or cheer us on from a distance.  These pledges fund the Parent Group budget for the year -- this budget buys all our field trips, assemblies, classroom "extras," free evening activities for families, and everything fun we do!!
    5th grade leaders were hired on Friday to support students and staff in positions around the school.  You will see them at the entrances each morning to guide and assist, they help on the K-2 morning playground, they assist with breakfast, and we have them on all but two buses.  I mean it when I tell them "I can't run this school without you!"
    If we remain on schedule, our new kitchen is scheduled to open next Monday, the 24th.  I asked if we could get classroom tours before it was sanitized and it looks like that might happen -- we'll see.
    Entertainment Books should be returned or purchased as soon as possible.  I gave one as a gift and was surprised how much my niece loved it -- just an idea.
    SMILE!  This Thursday is Picture Day.  All students and staff will have their pictures taken.  If you should desire to purchase pictures information packets will come home Monday.

Enjoy the sunshine!!  We need it for three more weeks since they are hydro-seeding the back of the playground on Monday!!

Shannon Stueckle