Mabel Parents Update

Wow, things are going really well!!  Our attendance rates have been better than ever and we just went four days without an office behavior referral -- that hasn't happened in my entire career!!  The sunshine must help, but hard-working staff and parents coupled with wonderful children must be the rest!

Next Friday is "Picture Retake" day.  If your student didn't have their picture taken they will do so on Friday and parents can purchase these just as prior.  If you had pictures taken and would prefer they be retaken, simple send the picture packet back with your student.  Your child would take the packet to the camera at the appropriate time to ensure you get the same packet you originally paid for.

It's been Bosses Week around here and it's been wild fun!  I've had those incredible "kid art" cards all week, a song and group hug (knocks you over!), class posters and lots of flowers and  gifts (yes, that is chocolate on my hips!).   The staff is making me/us lunch today to top off a really great time.  Mabel Rush is the place to be for those who value love and support -- it's shared daily with your children.

We are seeing more electronic entertainment toys on buses which results in them entering the school day.  Please help your child keep their property by having them leave it at home.  All toys, games, sports equipment, etc. are not invited to school.  We often to students, "if it's on your school supply list, you can bring it to school."

Next week our counselor, Stephanie Graupmann begins teaching students about making healthy choices for themselves.  This is related to Red Ribbon Week, which is celebrated nationally  Oct. 29-Nov. 2.  We are asking parents to join us in supporting this curriculum by sending only healthy snacks to school.  Classroom snack time is designed to stave off hunger as well as fuel the brain for learning.

We will soon have the School Directory ready to distribute -- it is in it's last stage of editing.  Parents who would prefer to have their e-mail address listed instead of either their address or phone should e-mail Jeanne Schuback immediately (deadline:  Oct. 23) and she'll make this change for you.  THANKS Jeanne for taking on this incredible task.

Art Lit begins next week with an exploration of Egyptian Art.  I wonder if we're making mummies just in time for Halloween??????  Ha.

Shannon Stueckle