Mabel Parents Update

Boo!  Tiffanie Olea just handed me a flyer that would certainly help out Mabel Rush.  We can earn money for our school by collecting any of your "spare" Halloween candy!!  We get $250 just for participating and if we're the school that turns in the most candy we get $500.  WOW.  Think about donating your "spare" candy -- I would need it n the office by FRIDAY, NOV. 2nd.  I promise to only sneak one Snicker bar out of the loot.

Our Book Fair will be open all of next week before and after school (no Friday after school).  Our coordinator, Kim Lanier, is seeking volunteers to work 30 minute shifts, particularly on Tuesday afternoon 3:00-4:30, Wednesday morning 9:00-9:30, and Thursday and Friday morning 8:00-8:30.  Can you help?  If so, contact Kim at

We had a surprisingly huge Chess Club turnout last Wednesday -- what a wonderful problem!  Kathy Roberson is so awesome to be supervising this for us.  It will continue every Wednesday from 8:00-9:00.

The Superintendent is doing "listening sessions" around the school district and seeks to hear from 1000 voices regarding student preparedness for success in the 21st century!  Check the district e-mail that went out yesterday for all the dates/time and locations.  Feel free to attend any that work best for your schedule.

It's Red Ribbon Week at most K-8 schools around the nation.  This is a week that originally started as a drug-free campaign but has now expanded into a "make healthy choices for your body" focus.  Our lobby shines with a beautiful banner (thank you Summer Neiss) that students and staff have signed pledging to make healthy choices -- parents are invited to sign the banner as well.  Students have also created a pledge chain that looks amazing in the lobby and are currently writing healthy goals for the display case.  Students, staff, and parents are invited to WEAR AS MUCH RED as you can on Wednesday (tomorrow) in honor of Red Ribbon Day.