Mabel Parents Update

Yeah -- It's time for school to start again.  I miss the kids incredibly when they aren't in the building and I so look forward to our Tuesday start!

    Teachers spent today learning how to add critical thinking to their reading instruction.  I've mentioned numerous times that the new standards are quite rigorous and today the teachers learned how to take challenging text and teach students how to critically analyze and compare elements/content with other text.  This process is full of higher level thinking skills!

    Just because we had a two weeks away from school doesn't mean we've lowered our safety standards.  Please know that I'm happy to visit with parents in detail regarding our safety plan, but won't be putting it in writing.  The school's safety plan was designed with the Newberg Police Department and we annually update it and submit it to the district office.  Later this week the principals are meeting to discuss district-wide responses, future implementations, etc.

    Please be assured that all of our exterior doors are locked with the exception of the one main entry door (no longer two) next to the office window.  ALL are expected to check in the office during the school day.  Students have been reminded to never open a door to anyone, including me should I be keyless!! 

    What I need from you........................  We are a large school, but share a focus on our children, so I'm asking that every parent ALWAYS check in the office, wear their badge/sticker, and most importantly, join the staff in STOPPING anyone without a badge and directing them to the office

    Please join me at the Parent Coffee this Friday morning at 9:00 or at the Parent Group Meeting Tuesday the 15th at 8:35.  At both events I will be addressing school safety and can respond to questions as well as take your ideas to the district level.

    We are only two weeks from our mid-year (yes mid-year!) math fluency assessment.  Does your child have mastery of their grade-level math facts??  It's the perfect time to focus on this task.

    Our January character trait focus will be COURAGE.  If you find an opportunity to reinforce this trait at home it's amazing how students come to understand the applications of the concept in so many areas of their life.  We'll present this concept to the K-2 students this Wednesday morning and the 3-5 the following week.

Happy 2013 to my Mabel Rush Community Family!!