Mabel Parents Update

The darkness of January and it's unexpected weather conditions result in it being my least favorite month.  Yet, a school full of happy pink cheeks is mighty cute as they enter the building!!  Here's some quick mid-January news:

    Thank you to Dianna Cotter who worked the cold afternoons passing out fliers to those in the vehicle "pick-up" line.  We're trying to reach the Mabel Rush "drop off/pick up" parents to forewarn them that police will begin supervising Deborah Rd. specifically targeting any vehicles that "impede traffic flow."  We ask that all traffic enter the drop off/pick up zone by traveling southbound so any backed up traffic can hug the curb and keep traffic flowing freely on Deborah.  If every vehicle would leave their home at dismissal, rather than stacking up prior to dismissal, we would not have gridlock -- consider arriving slightly later in the afternoons and slightly earlier in the mornings.
    The District Calendar has several "Mabel Rush Fun Nights" on the calendar this month.  This is in error.  Our next family event is the K-2 Family Fitness Night on February 22nd, followed a week later by the 3-5 Fitness Night
    Yee-Haw!!  Next Friday, the 25th, the Mabel Rush Student Council is sponsoring "Western Day."  Dress up in your jeans, hat, boots, bandanna, etc.
    Next week every classroom in the school will be doing their mid-year Math Fluency Assessment.  Every grade level has specific levels of math facts students must master.  If your student hasn't passed this task yet, consider practicing with them so they can benefit from this foundation skill
    Have a great three-day weekend due to the Martin Luther King holiday on Monday.

Shannon Stueckle