Parent Update-
Our first grade teaching team of Jessica Fox, Sarah Wilmot, Kris Bower, and Christie Smith and students Lydia Gray, Brooke Faucher, Kaylee Hawney, Axel Sanchez, Martin Gaonea, Emmalyn Day, and Emma Lathkey presented to the school board Tuesday night. The teachers shared how they built a highly effective grade level team this year and have been working to integrate technology into learning to increase student engagement and provide students with differentiated instruction in reading and math.
These teachers and I were very impressed as we watched our student presenters do an exceptional job demonstrating to school board members how they are taking ownership for their own learning using the electronic tablets. Thank you again to our PIE group for purchasing the tablets for our students and for dedicating funds this year towards future technology purchases!
If you haven't already, please complete the Parent Engagement and Satisfaction Survey by April 15th to help our district recognize the great things that are happening in our schools and to work on the areas we need to improve. Paper versions are also available at our school office.
Parent Engagement & Satisfaction - English
Parent Engagement & Satisfaction - Spanish
Last but not least, later this month I will be sending you a list showing which teachers are expected to be teaching which grade levels next year.
This year I have listened to various viewpoints as some parents shared with me reasons for considering parent input and other parents shared with me reasons for allowing only classroom teachers to have a say in the process. Both sides had good points. After considering various viewpoints on this topic, I have decided that this year, we will continue to use parent input in our decision making process. My reason for doing this is that as I am still in the process of getting to know all of you and our students better, I truly do want our teachers and myself to hear from you what you are looking for in your child’s classroom and learning experience for next year. When I send out the list of teachers for 2014-15, attached will be a form for parents to use to provide input. Please complete and return that form to our front office staff by the deadline on the form.
Thanks and enjoy your week!
Lisa Callahan