Parent Update 5/5/14
The end of the school year will be here before we know it and so much happens in these final six weeks. Please be sure to read carefully through our May newsletter. This one had so much in it, we sent it home with your child as well as posting it electronically. It includes classroom teacher assignments for next fall and the parent input form for parents to complete and turn in if they wish to provide input into their child's learning environment for next year.
The forms found in the May newsletter are due to our office staff (Shanna and Marilyn) by May 12. Late forms will be reviewed but may not be included in placement decisions so be sure to turn them in by May 12. Please know that grade level teaching team members and the number of classrooms at a grade level could still change due to unforeseen changes in enrollment, etc. We make our best guess now, but acknowledge that in August it can always be a whole new ballgame at one or two grade levels!
We are currently over one third of the way towards our goal of providing our students with 1:1 technology!
As you know, our P.I.E. group has been raising funds last year and this year to help us reach that goal of 1:1 technology for student use. Please consider supporting our PIE group in this endeavor by participating in the Techno Night Sleepover this Friday, May 9. You can even buy fresh Krispy Kreme donuts to be picked up by you when you pick up your child. We also definitely welcome lots of parent chaperones for this event! You can help just that evening, just overnight, or simply do what I'll be doing and stay for the whole event! This will definitely be a fun one! Come show off your xbox skills, build a super roller coaster, do manicures, pop some popcorn, have a chair race, and much, much more. If you have a great idea for an activity, let us know! We can always add even more activities if we have enough chaperones to run them! Students may arrive anytime between 7:00 PM and 7:30 PM. The doors will be locked at 7:30 PM and remain locked until 7:00 AM the next morning. Permission slips (found in the May newsletter) are due Wednesday.
We are partnering with George Fox University next year to provide coding (programming) lessons to 3rd grade students next year. I look forward to seeing our students dive into this as well as other additional Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) projects we plan to initiate next year. I hope also to have an after school STEM program in place for next year. Additionally, two Mabel Rush teachers will now serve on a district-wide STEM task force to help move our district as a whole forward with STEM. Thank you to Dave Parker and Andy Byerly for heading that up for our district!
Our 2nd Grade Team and I attended a workshop this past week on effectively teaching language and constructing meaning. We had great conversations about how to move forward with providing highly effective language instruction for our students learning English and also how we can best support students who have a average or high degrees of mastery of the English language and need to be challenged to move their skills forward. Our discussions will continue as we begin planning for next year.
Led by local educators, the weeklong Camp Invention experience immerses elementary school children in exciting hands-on activities that reinvent summer fun. A few featured activities include building original prototypes, creating a personalized motor-powered vehicle and taking apart electronics to construct an epic insect-themed pinball machine. Each lesson explores connections between science, technology, engineering and innovation. Early and alumni registration discounts are available! Spaces are limited – register today! Visit or call 800.968.4332 for more information. Or contact Jennifer Duckworth, Director of Camp Invention at Mabel Rush Elementary July 7th -11th at for more information.
Have a great week!
Lisa Callahan
Mabel Rush Elementary School