Antonia Crater Elementary - Parent Group

The purpose of the Antonia Crater Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization

is to aid the students of Antonia Crater Elementary School in achieving their fullest potential by providing educational and personal enrichment, and by encouraging the cooperative interaction of parents, teachers, and the community. In providing educational and personal enrichment to the students of Antonia Crater Elementary School, this organization shall support the students by engaging in fundraising projects, supporting the various student enrichment activities, providing a forum for parent, teacher, and student interaction through community events, and promoting open communication between parents, teachers, Antonia Crater Elementary School, and the community.

All parents or guardians of children enrolled at Antonia Crater Elementary School and all school staff shall be voting members of the PTO.

* *from the Bylaws of the Crater PTO

We have a lot of opportunities this year for anyone that is interested in volunteering their time to help support all of the enrichment activities that we provide at Antonia Crater such as assemblies, field trips, physical education, music and family activities.