CV Resource Room

CV community, as winter & the holidays approach, think of this room. This is a room at CVMS, where our CV kids come when they need clothes, shoes, socks, underwear, hygiene items, blankets, non-perishable food and school supplies. In a world often full of rules and limits, this room has few. 

Our kids meet with one of our parent volunteers and are encouraged to take what they need, for them and their family. We are very intentional on keeping this room filled with items that middle schoolers would need, but kids are encouraged to take anything they would want for their family. This room encourages kids to advocate for themselves and to be resourceful. Every item you see was donated by YOU, our CV community. Every delivery brought in, no matter how small, also delivers a very powerful message. A message that we are committed to taking care of each other, and it tells our kids and their families, that they are loved and thought of by people they may have never even met. 

Top needs:
• Easy to grab foods {bars, oatmeal, cereals & fruit cups}
• Blankets 
• Hygiene products {deodorant, feminine products, shampoo & conditioner}
• Monetary donations - this allows our parent project leader Holly Gaunt to stock up on needed items as needed. 

Our room is currently being run by 7 parent volunteers. Each volunteering an hour or two a week to meet with our kids and organize incoming donations. We can't tell you how thankful we are to have these parents make this room a reality for CV this year. 

Thank you Holly Gaunt for volunteering to be our CV resource room parent project leader this year, and our volunteers Abbie Budd, Mindi Hynes, Sarah Foster, Christina Sommers, Amy Weiler and Casey Silvus for volunteering each and every week.

Contact Holly Gaunt @503-504-6675 if you have any questions or would like to offer any resources.

Resource room hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 12pm-2pm

Donations can be brought in daily and dropped off at the front office or the counseling office. 

To visit, students just need to let the counseling office know that they would like to visit the room.