Mr. Franco's Friday Folder, 9-9-2011

Newberg Oregon School District

Happy Friday to All of You!

Kick Off Assembly
We had our school kick off assembly today. Staff spoke to the kids about our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports System (PBIS) which includes our quarterly behavior lessons, Wolf bucks, Positive Behavior Referrals, incentive stickers and end of the quarter activities.

We showed last year's school PBIS video and an anti-bullying video. We also treated the students to a staff dance...I never realized that our staff had so much rhythm!

Make The Difference!
Our mantra for CV is "Make the Difference." This slogan applies not only in the classroom with academics, but also in social settings with friends. We have a heavy emphasis on anti-bullying and we are encouraging students to "Make the Difference" if they witness someone being bullied. Making the difference includes helping students out of bullying situations and informing staff immediately of these situations. We are a "bully free zone!"

PBIS Lessons
On Monday our teachers will be engaging students in lessons about appropriate behavior in the classrooms, in the gym, in the cafeteria, in the hallways, in the restrooms, in the offices, during dismissal time, and on the bus. We will do these lessons quarterly as reminders to the students that appropriate behavior is expected everywhere in and out of the building!

End of the quarter activities
Students that have no missing work, less than 4 tardies and no behavior referrals for the first 9 weeks will be eligible for our end of the quarter incentive. We will communicate this with the kids and ask that you re-enforce it at home. Thank you!

Next Thursday, the 15th, at 6:30 PM we will have our first PTO meeting. If you have time please feel free to come to the meetings. We are always looking for new members. Our PTO is responsible for organizing fund raisers, and also provides valuable input from the parents perspective. It is also a great avenue to hear first hand information from the school. Our meetings will generally take place on the 2nd Thursday of each month.

School Improvement Goals
When you enter our building and you walk down the main hall way you will see a banner with our school improvement goals in relation to reading, writing and math. Our school improvement goals are: By 2013, the percentage of students meeting/exceeding state standards are...

                      6th grade       7th grade          8th grade
Math:                 70%              75%                    78%
Reading:            80%              84%                    85%
Writing:                                   75%
Science:                                                             82%

We are very confident as a school that we will not only meet but surpass these school improvement goals as the past two years we have surpassed our expectations in reading, and math.

PTO: 9/15-6:30 PM
Wadayama students arrive- 9/16

Have a great weekend!