Mr. Franco's Friday Folder February 3 2012

Newberg Oregon School District

Happy Friday to All of You!

School Supplies
Now that we are almost to the midway point through the year. Please replenish your students'

school supplies. We have noticed that the kids are running out of pens, paper, glue sticks, and pencils.

HS transition dates of upcoming meetings:
Monday, Feb 13th: Academic Night at the HS - At this meeting further explanation will be given on what all students need to do to graduate in 2016. Many elective programs are available for preview at this meeting.
Monday, February 27th - Welcome letters mailed to families.
Thursday, March 1st: NHS Counselors and Principals will be at CVMS to hand out forecasting materials with the students.
Wednesday, March 7th: ALL forecasting sheets due to the MS office. HS staff will collect the sheets at the end of the day.

-Requests to be placed in a certain school at the high school are due at the NHS main office on Monday, February 6th. If you have more questions on this please call the high school at 503-554-4400.

Exclusion Days
Exclusion days are fast approaching. On February 15th in accordance with the state ordinances any child whose immunization records are not updated in the school will be excluded until said records are updated.

End of the 1st semester
Teachers worked today on their grades and they will be mailed next week. Grades on the report card will be semester grades and NOT 2nd quarter grades so please do not be alarmed if the grade is different from what you have seen from your students for the 2nd quarter. Semester grades are an average of 1st and 2nd quarter grades.

Incentive/Activity Day
Congratulations to those students that were able to participate in the incentive day because they met the criteria with no missing work, less than 4 tardies and zero behavior referrals for the 2nd quarter. Students were treated to their choice of a dance, duct tape bracelets, games in the commons, a hang out room, computers, a movie, baking, and arts and crafts. Thank you to one of our parents Linnea Fettig for organizing a photo booth for our students. The kids had a great time.

Blue on 2 Day
We probably had our best Blue on 2 day on Thursday. Again, the 2nd school day of each month we wear blue in support of anti-bullying. It is something to see!

District Honor Band
We have 7 students participating in this weekend's honor band competition at West Linn High School. The students are Mikayla Heineck, Jessica Gauvin, Jacob Krebs, Abby Reohr, Liam Hathaway, Alex Foufos, and Skyler Atkinson. Good luck!

State Testing
We are in the midst of our first round of state testing in reading. I will let you know what classes are testing the following week so you can re-enforce the importance of eating breakfast, and getting a good night's sleep beforehand. Attendance is obviously very important! The following teachers will be testing their reading classes next week:

-We are doing Make Ups for the first round. If your student has not tested or finished yet, we plan to complete testing next week.

What Parents Can Do At Home
• Acknowledge test-taking anxiety as normal, but stay positive.
• Encourage your child to think positive thoughts like “I can do this!”
• Give compliments for effort: “I’m proud of how hard you have studied.”
• Go over the test-taking tips with your child.
• Adequate rest makes a difference! Make sure your child goes to bed at a reasonable
time; being active earlier in the day (not right before bed) can help kids get to sleep.
• Nutrition also influences how well children do on test; a good breakfast is important, but a large meal right before the test can be distracting.
• Your child should wear comfortable clothing for long test-taking periods.
• Help your child learn how to relax. Some find it helps to take a few deep breaths before starting the test; others like to imagine a peaceful place like the beach or park.

If your student(s) meet or exceed on the state tests you can ask to be exempt from future opportunities this year.
All students in grades 3-8 participate in the statewide Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS) tests in reading and math. Students in grades 5 and 8 are also tested in science. Students have up to three opportunities per year to demonstrate their proficiency on these assessments. Students who have met or exceeded the state standards in a given subject, may be asked to take the assessment again at a later date. This is to measure individual student achievement and/or educational program effectiveness.

If you wish to exempt your student from taking the assessment after meeting or exceeding the standard, please send a signed note denying permission to retest your student after they have met or exceeded the state standard to Mr. Franco by February 24, 2012.

Canned Food Drive
Thank you to all for their donations to our canned food drive. In total, 832 lbs of food were donated along with $100.00. Way to go CV students, staff and parents!

Please be cognizant that we are extremely vigilant in regards to attendance. The following is the list of reasons the state provides as excusable absences:
-Student illness
-Illness of an immediate family member
-Doctor/Dental Appointment
-Death of an immediate family member
-Court summons
-Satisfactory arrangements, made in advance with the school for other reasons

Parent Volunteers
If you are looking to volunteer for the school please contact Mary Reohr at We currently have volunteer opportunities in our after school homework club, and in our classrooms.

After School HW Club
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 PM. A late bus is provided.

PTO 2/9 6:30 PM
5th grade parent night 2/16 7:00 PM

Have a great Super Bowl weekend!