Mr. Franco's Friday Folder, January 28th, 2011

Mr. Franco in his office

Happy Friday to All of You!

End of the Semester
Today marks the end of the 1st semester. Teachers will be utilizing Monday preparing final grades for report cards.

We will mail out report cards late next week. Student schedules will not change except for their Cruise classes (i.e. Home Arts, Wood Shop, Art, Technology, etc.). However, grades will start over. Please continue to emphasize to your students the importance of getting off to a good start!

Activity Day
Today was our 2nd quarter activity day. Students with zero behavior referrals, less than 4 tardies and no missing work were able to choose from a dance, crafts, games in the commons, video games, arts and crafts, reading, hair and nails, etc. Congratulations to all eligible students for all of their hard work!

8th Grade Transition

There will be a high school meeting on February 7th at 6:30 PM at the high school for all incoming freshmen. The High School Principals will brief students and parents on a number of things including course offerings, school descriptions, activities, etc. This date, along with other pertinent dates will be advertised as soon as available.

February 7th-HS Freshmen information meeting
February 11th-Small school preference forms due to your middle school office

Please check out our website for the latest information:

No School 1/31/11. 2/18/11, 2/21/11

Student Conferences: February 17th 4-7:30 PM
                                    April 7th 4-7 PM

                                    June 2nd 4-7 PM; (8th grade culminating activity for 8th grade students only. We will celebrate and showcase various school projects completed by our 8th graders.)


Have a great weekend!