Happy Friday to All of You!
5th Grade Visitors
Today we had some special visitors from our incoming group of 6th graders. CV student ambassadors were tour guides for the new group as
they learned about about lockers, the library, and the office. Earlier in the Spring we had our 5th grade parent night, and lastly we will have our Back to School night in October.
Our staff and students are back safe and sound and full of stories of a great trip to Japan. In thinking already about the fall, we would like to invite you to become a homestay family for our students from Wadayama Junior High School. The CVMS-Asago City, Japan Exchange has been happening for 20+ years!
1. They will be here from Sat., September 15 - Friday, September 21.
2. Each school day, they will come to CV and either attend classes, or go on day trips.
3. They can share a bedroom with your student, but should have their own bed.
4. Most students have studied English for at least two years.
5. Japanese teachers who speak English travel with them.
6. If interested, or if you have any questions please contact:
Simone Conley = conleys@newberg.k12.or.us
Jon Franco = francoj@newberg.k12.or.us
Spelling Bee Final
This year Connie Rice and Rosie Hagedorn have worked to create a spelling bee competition for our students. Core classes held class competitions and last week the semi-finals were held and finalists were chosen. On Tuesday, May 29th from 2:30-3:30 PM, we will hold the spelling bee finals in the band room.
Immunization Clinic to be offered here June 4th for next year's 7th graders
On Monday, June 4th, we will be hosting an immunization clinic for current 6th graders. Many parents of 6th grade students are unaware that in 7th grade there is a requirement for TDaP, a vaccine that provides protection against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. It is required by Oregon State law. It is our hope that by providing this clinic, the majority of the incoming 7th grade students will have already received their vaccination prior to 7th grade. We sent home packets of information on Wednesday concerning the clinic with the expectation that the students return them to us by today, May 25. If you have any questions or did not receive a packet of information please call the school office.
8th Grade Culminating Activity
We are excited for the 2nd annual 8th grade culminating activity coming up June 7th. 8th grade students are in the midst of preparing their 8th grade projects. 8th graders are required to have a visual display, a speech and reflection ready to show family and friends from 5-7 PM on June 7th. Please plan on attending. This is a great opportunity to see some great projects created by the kids, and a great opportunity for them to show off!
4th Quarter Incentives
At the end of 4th quarter, 8th graders that meet the criteria will be eligible for Camp Yamhill, and the 8th grade dance. 7th grade students that meet the criteria will be eligible for either Field Day or a Movie and 6th graders that meet the criteria will be eligible for Field Day. The criteria is as follows for the end of the quarter activities:
6th Grade: No missing work, less than 4 tardies, and zero behavior referrals for the 4th quarter
7th Grade: No missing work, less than 4 tardies, and zero behavior referrals for the 4th quarter
8th Grade: Zero behavior referrals and successful completion of 8th grade Project.
8th Grade Awards
If you are curious to see if your 8th grader(s) qualifies for any Presidential Awards please see the attached link to our website. We give out these awards during the 8th grade celebration ceremony on the last day of school. The criteria is also listed in the Student Handbook that was passed out at the beginning of the year. Both CV and MV have the same criteria.
New Newberg Superintendent Chosen
Update on 2-year school improvement goals:
Percentages are unofficial.
6th Grade Math Goal: 70% Current: 70% (Goal Met!) State Average: 59%
7th Grade Math Goal: 75% Current: 77% (Goal Met and Surpassed!) State Average: 63%
8th Grade Math Goal: 78% Current: 77% State Average:65%
6th Grade Reading Goal: 80% Current: 77% State Average:65%
7th Grade Reading Goal: 84% Current: 84% (Goal Met!) State Average:75%
8th Grade Reading Goal: 85% Current: 74% State Average:68%
8th Grade Science Goal: 82% Current: 73% State Average:66%
As some of you may know the state increased the cut score (score needed to pass) in math substantially last year and this year it was increased significantly in reading. In Science the cut score also increased. You can get an indication of the impact of these new cut scores by looking at the state averages which are significantly lower than in previous years. Our students and staff have worked very hard this year and the results are indicative of this work. We still have a lot of work to do, but there is also much to recognize!
Please be cognizant that we are extremely vigilant in regards to attendance. The following is the list of reasons the state provides as excusable absences:
-Student illness
-Illness of an immediate family member
-Doctor/Dental Appointment
-Death of an immediate family member
-Court summons
-Satisfactory arrangements, made in advance with the school for other reasons
After School HW Club
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 PM. A late bus is provided.
High School Graduation Starts Today!
Please check our website for more information on our new accountability system with the first initial "phase-in" beginning next year.
May 28th-No School
June 5th-Final Music Concert
June 7th-8th Grade Culminating Activity
June 8th-Talent Show
June 15th-8th Grade Celebration Ceremony 8:30-10:30 AM
Have a great three day weekend!