Happy Friday to All of You!
CVMS End-of-Year Celebrations ~ Wednesday, June 12
Our 6th Grade students will celebrate with an on-site field day at CVMS.
Our 7th Grade students will celebrate by viewing Epic (PG) at a McMinnville theatre.*
Our 8th Grade students will celebrate with a day at Camp Yamhill.*
*7th and 8th Grade Parents are needed to volunteer for each grade's celebration. Contact PTO Volunteer Coordinator,Stephanie Carstensen, if you are interested:
Home # 503-538-6102 or stephaniec@c-ware.com
Or use our online sign-up: www.signupgenius.com/go/4090D4CA5AB22A64-cvms
Volunteers must wear their valid District ID Badge at all times during the celebrations.
In order to be eligible for the end of the year field trips, students must not receive any behavior referrals for the 4th quarter. 8th graders must also successfully complete their 8th grade project.
Coolers for Pop/Water + Ice Donations
for 8th Grade Lunch
at Camp Yamhill
on June 12
Contact Stephanie Carstensen:
5th Grade Fly Ups
We had our new group of 6th graders visit us on Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you to our counselors Mrs. Whiting and Ms. Clayton for working with our student ambassadors, and to our student ambassadors for doing a great job of introducing CV to our new students. We will have another visit from our new group of 6th graders again in August for 6th grade orientation. The 5th graders are now charged with completing their locker partner forms. This is a big step!
School Climate Survey
Next week our students will engage in our annual school climate survey. Our PBIS team uses this data every year in creating behavior lesson plans and/or incentives. This is also great data to share with staff so we can be cognizant of our interactions with students.
Blue on 2 Day June 4th
Final Music Concert June 10th 7PM
8th Grade Showcase
On June 6th from 5:30-7:00 PM we will be holding our annual 8th grade showcase. 8th graders are working on their 8th grade projects. Their projects must include a visual display, a speech, and a written essay outlining the logistics of what they did, why they did it, and what they learned. Our 8th grade showcase is an opportunity for our kids to show off, so please plan on attending.
STEM Open House
We will be having a STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) open house for the community on June 6th from 4:00-5:30 PM within our new STEM classrooms. This is an opportunity for us to say thank you to the community for investing in STEM education. The open house will be an opportunity to learn about STEM, and to tour our new facilities. Afterwards we absolutely expect that you will all stay for our 8th grade showcase!
8th Grade Celebration Ceremony
The 8th grade celebration ceremony will be on the last day of school, June 13th, beginning at 8:30 AM. The celebration will be for 8th grade students and their families.
Presidential Awards
Please see the attached link regarding the criteria for Middle School 8th Grade Presidential Awards that are awarded at the 8th grade celebration. This criteria is also located in our student/parent handbook.
State Testing
State testing is complete. Please see below noting how we performed overall as a school (Numbers are unofficial). Thank you to the kids and teachers for their hard work. Thank you to Mrs. Kosters for organizing all of the testing sessions. It is quite a daunting process with a lot of people involved, so thank you!
Reading: 6th Grade:75% Met/Exceeded-Goal is 80% (*78% of our students Met/Exceeded the benchmark or their Growth Target)
7th Grade:85% Met/Exceeded-Goal is 84%.-Goal Met! (*89% of our students Met/Exceeded the benchmark or their Growth Target)
8th Grade:75% Met/Exceeded-Goal is 85% (*78% of our students Met/Exceeded the benchmark or their Growth Target)
Math: 6th Grade:67% Met/Exceeded- Goal is 70% (*71% of the students Met/Exceeded the benchmark or their Growth Target)
7th Grade:78% Met/Exceeded- Goal is 75%.-Goal Met! (*81 % of the students Met/Exceeded the benchmark or their Growth Target)
8th Grade:75% Met/Exceeded-Goal is 78% (*77% of our students Met/Exceeded the benchmark or their Growth Target)
Science: 8th Grade: 67% Met/Exceeded. Goal is 79%.
Advanced Classes Criteria
-Students desiring to be placed in Advanced Core must meet the following criteria.
1) Exceeding Score on Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS)
2) Student grades reflective of student mastery of the content standards in Reading and Writing
3) Advanced score on Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI)
4) Demonstrating above proficiency on writing work samples
*Note: Placement in Advanced Classes does not guarantee placement into future Advanced Classes if student does not meet above criteria every year.
-Students desiring to be placed in above grade level math classes must meet the following criteria
1) Exceeding score on Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS)
2) Student grades reflective of student mastery of the content standards in Math
Important Transition Dates:
May 28, May 30: 5th Graders tour CVMS and get locker partner forms.
August 22nd: 6th Grade Orientation, 9AM-12PM-5th graders come for tours, group building activities and a BBQ lunch.
September 3rd: First Day of School!
School Visitors
It is very important that you check into the office anytime you enter the school building. If you do not please be prepared to answer questions from staff regarding your reason for being in the building. Staff have been instructed to by hyper vigilant in regards to anyone on campus without a visitor's badge.
Working Hard is Important to Us!
We address lack of work completion as a behavior with minor incident reports (MIRs) and behavior referrals. Please check out the link regarding our MIR (Minor Incident Report) policy regarding homework completion.
FAQ's about standards/proficiency based grading
As all of you know we are transitioning to standards/proficiency based grading. To gain further information, I encourage all of you to read the material on the attached link if you haven't yet . The link includes FAQs about our new grading, a rationale, and a summary of our plan. If you have further questions please do not hesitate to call the office. I would be happy to sit down with any one of you or to speak with you on the phone if you have questions.
Student/Parent Handbook
In case you were wondering, our student/parent handbook is located on our website.
Chehalem Valley Middle School Improvement Plan
If you want to learn more about our school improvement goals and steps we will use to meet these goals please click on the link to our School Improvement Plan.
Every year we see more absences for trips and personal vacations. Although I understand that vacations do happen during the year, we ask that if at all possible you look to schedule extended vacations during our regular school breaks. Students can always make up work, however it is difficult to replace the loss of instruction.
Please be cognizant that we are extremely vigilant in regards to attendance. The following is the list of reasons the state provides as excusable absences:
-Student illness
-Illness of an immediate family member
-Doctor/Dental Appointment
-Death of an immediate family member
-Court summons
-Satisfactory arrangements, made in advance with the school for other reasons
*Absences for reasons not noted on this list will be marked unexcused.
You can now "Like us" on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chehalem-Valley-Middle-School/432691263436339
You can now follow us on Twitter: cvmsmiddleschool @cvmswolves
June 6th-STEM Open House and 8th grade showcase
June 10th-Final Music Concert
June 12th-End of the year field trips and field day
June 13th-Last Day of School and 8th grade celebration
Have a great weekend-Enjoy the Sun!