Mr. Franco's Friday Folder September 20 2013

Mr. Franco

Happy Friday to all of you!

-We are expecting ParentVUE to be live tomorrow, 9/20.  The district is planning on mailing home instructions on how to access ParentVUE so please check your mail.

-Students will be signing up for StudentVUE within their Science classes on Wednesday.  StudentVUE will allow students to take the responsibility of checking on their own progress.

Bus Evacuation Drills
Tomorrow during PE class, students will be briefed on the safety protocols regarding evacuating school buses in case of an emergency.

Student-Parent handbook
Please see the attached link:

Magazine Drive
Our biggest fundraiser of the year is approaching.  We will kick off the fundraiser with an all-school assembly next Tuesday, the 24th.  The magazine drive will last from 9/24 through 10/4.  The funds from the magazine drive are used to support our school in a number of different ways either through supplies, educational field trips, activities, and/or technology.  So, if you are approached by a student or student(s), please know that any purchase will go a long way in supporting Chehalem Valley Middle School!  If you are interested in volunteering to assist with the magazine drive please click on the following link:

Yearbook student team needed
Beginning Monday we will be looking for students who would like to participate in the creating of this year's yearbook.  Attached to this email is the application to be a part of the yearbook team and an advertising flyer.  If your student(s) is interested, please feel free to print out the application and turn it in to the main office.  Hard copy applications are also available in the main office.

After School Pick-Up
Please be cognizant to NOT block the handicap parking spaces when picking up or dropping off your student(s).  Thank you!

We have a new security and doorbell system.  All of our doors will be locked during the school day.  Visitors will be required to ring the bell, come to the office and have their ID scanned.  I do realize that this is going to take a little more time, but is definitely worth it as we are talking about the safety of our kids.

Please click on the following link regarding upcoming PTO meeting dates, agendas, and minutes.

Homework Club
We are offering HW club to students every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2:30-3:30 PM.  We do have a late bus that will pick the kids up.  The late bus does not go to the Ewing Young area.  Throughout the year we encourage students to stay after school to work with their teacher or to receive assistance from Mrs. Blanchard and Mrs. Wolfe in HW club.  Students will be required to attend HW club if they do not satisfactorily complete all of their test re-takes.

Behavior Incentive Criteria
In order to be eligible for our end of the quarter incentives and to receive the incentive sticker students must:
-Have zero behavior referrals in the quarter
-No more than three unexcused absences for the quarter
-No missing re-takes (summative assessments) in the quarter

Every year we see more absences for trips and personal vacations.  Although I understand that vacations do happen during the year, we ask that if at all possible you look to schedule extended vacations during our regular school breaks.  Students can always make up work, however it is difficult to replace the loss of instruction. 

Please be cognizant that we are extremely vigilant in regards to attendance.  The following is the list of reasons the state provides as excusable absences:
-Student illness
-Illness of an immediate family member
-Doctor/Dental Appointment
-Death of an immediate family member
-Court summons
-Satisfactory arrangements, made in advance with the school for other reasons

*Absences for reasons not noted on this list will be marked unexcused.

FAQ's about standards/proficiency based grading
As all of you know we are a standards/proficiency based grading school.  To gain further information, I encourage all of you to read the material on the attached link if you haven't yet .  The link includes FAQs about our new grading, a rationale, and a summary of our plan.  This year we are in year two, and students will be required to re-take any summative assessment in which they score less than 70%.   If you have further questions please do not hesitate to call the office.  I would be happy to sit down with any one of you or to speak with you on the phone if you have questions.

CVMS Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in volunteering for CV contact our volunteer coordinator, Stephanie Carstensen, home 503-538-6102 or

You can now "Like us" on Facebook.

You can now follow us on Twitter: cvmsmiddleschool @cvmswolves

Magazine Drive kick off-9/24
No School-9/30

Have a great weekend!