Mr. Franco's Friday Folder September 30th, 2011

Mr. Franco

Happy Friday to All of You!

We said goodbye to our Wadayama friends on Monday. I'm happy to report that everyone is home safe. Special thanks to Diane Williams for organizing the field trips and all the host families. Thank you to all of our host families and host staff for their participation,

which none of this would be possible without your support. We are looking forward to our trip in May.

Blue on 2 Day
Our first Blue on 2 Day will be next Tuesday, October 4th. We encourage all of our students to support anti-bullying and to "Make the Difference" in keeping CV a bully free zone!

Magazine Drive
We kicked off our annual magazine drive fundraiser with an assembly on Tuesday. The students have two weeks to sell as many magazines as they can. If you know of someone that would like to buy a magazine subscription tell one of our students. We get approximately 50% of all the revenue which goes to our PBIS program and allows us to do the many activities which contribute to a positive school environment. Our PTO is currently working on designing some more fundraisers that we can utilize besides the magazine drive.

School Dance
Our first school dance is today from 7-9 PM in the CV gym. Only students that meet the behavior criteria are eligible to attend. The criteria includes zero behavior referrals and less than 4 tardies.

Meetings with Mountain View and Chehalem Valley Staff
In efforts to increase the consistency between the two middle schools in curriculum, the school staffs have been meeting together every other Wednesday to discuss standards and instruction. In years past there has been a healthy rivalry that existed between the two schools which continues, however, we acknowledge that we are all on the same team in efforts to prepare our students to graduate high school.

Volunteers Needed
We are always looking for volunteers to assist in our many school activities or within our classrooms. If you are interested please contact our PTO President Mary Reohr at

Exclusion Forms
Exclusion information was sent out to students who did not have the necessary vaccinations to remain in school. If you received a letter outlining this information, it is very important that you meet the requirements for vaccinations or be at risk of your student being held out of school. If you have questions please do not hesitate to call the counseling office at 503-554-4607.

No School: 10/6-10/7

Have a great weekend!