JA Lunch Account Information

A quick reminder that starting October 17, 2018, any Joan Austin Elementary student who hasn’t applied/reapplied and been approved for the Free and Reduced Program will be taken off the program.  Applications for the Free and Reduced Program are available online at:  https://www.newberg.k12.or.us/district/nutrition  or at Joan Austin Elementary.

Breakfast and lunch costs are:
*Student breakfast is $1.50

*Student lunch is $2.75 with milk or juice included with the meal

*If a student takes two juices or two milks they will be charged an additional $0.50 for the second milk or juice.

*If a student would like to purchase a milk or juice only (to go with a lunch from home), the cost  is $0.50.

*Adult lunch is $4.00 without a milk, $4.50 with a milk.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Anna McGill, our Cafeteria Manager, at mcgilla@newberg.k12.or.us.

Un recordatorio que empezando el 17 octubre, 2018, cualquier estudiante de Joan Austin que no ha solicitado/resolicitado y se ha aprobado para el Programa de comida gratis y reducido será sacado del programa. Las aplicaciones para el Programa están disponible al: https://www.newberg.k12.or.us/district/nutrition o en la escuela.

Los costos del desayuno y almuerzo:
*Desayuno cuesta $1.50

*Almuerzo cuesta $2.75 con un jugo o leche incluído

*Un jugo o leche adicional cuesta $.50

* Si un estudiante quiere comprar solo un leche o jugo (para acompañar un almuerzo de casa) el costo es $0.50.

*Almuerzo para adulto cuesta $4.00 sin leche, $4.50 con leche.

Si tiene cualquier pregunta, favor de contactar a Anna McGill, nuestra Directora de cafetería, a la mcgilla@newberg.k12.or.us.