Parent Group

The Joan Austin Parent Teacher Organization enables student success through volunteering and support. Parents and Teachers make it happen together!

How many people lead the PTO?
Our Executive Committee is made up of 5 volunteers who work full time. Many of the more established parent groups at other Newberg schools have a larger base of parent volunteers, and are able to put on more events and provide more funds to support their school. But we know Joan Austin parents can rise to the challenge! We have 5 Executive Committee members to vote and do business as a 501(c)3 corporation. This is a volunteer leadership position that can be a lot of fun!

About Us
Joan Austin PTO is a non-profit volunteer-run organization. We are parents, teachers, grandparents, and community members working together. We welcome your input! Please let us know if you have ideas, suggestions, or comments about this organization.

How is a PTO different from a PTA?
This PTO is a local, unincorporated association dedicated to supporting all the students of this school. Our mission aligns with portions of the PTA's mission, however we do not pay dues to the PTA. The PTA is a national-level organization that members pay fees to join. It has multiple goals focused on children's rights, welfare, education, and health protections. It is also politically involved in creating laws and regulations to protect children's rights.

Contact Us

The best way to contact us is either through email at, or through our PTO Facebook page!