Joan Austin Elementary School
Main Line: (503) 554-4550
Fax: (503) 538-4571
Office Hours
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
2200 N. Center Street
Newberg, OR 97132-6114
Principal: Ashley Lee
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This month our school will be embarking on a special reading project school wide. It is an all school event called One School, One Book. Every student will receive a copy of the same book to read with his/her family each night through the month of October. The title of the book will be revealed on October 5 at an all school assembly. I am personal asking you to set aside time each night to read together and discuss the book. Reading as a family is a good end of the day activity. I used to curl up with my own kids at the end of the day to read a chapter a night.
You and your child will receive the copy of the chosen book when you meet with your teacher at conferences on October 5, 6, or 7. We are hoping to have 100% conference attendance in order to pass out the book and the reading schedule. We are asking families to read together for 15 minutes a night much like our Million Minutes Challenge from previous years.
Just like Battle of the Books, your child will be invited to answer daily trivia questions to encourage and reward active listening. Classes may explore the book together with activities and discussion. It is rare time when all grades K-5 students study the same material. I envision when a whole school reads a book together, there will be a lot to talk about. We are in the planning stages and hope to add a few all school activi- ties related to the book too.
Since reading is vital for all learning, we offer students different reading opportunities. Once again this year Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Davidson will be spearheading the Battle of the Books contest. Titles of these books are posted on the board across from the office. Students who are inter- ested in grades third through fifth should be thinking of teams and lis- tening for the days when sign-up paperwork will be available. Last year our school had 15 different Battle teams. That means there were 60 students that participated and battled against each other to show their knowledge of the books, plots, and details. In fact, we had the second place Regional winner! I have already had students tell me they have been reading during the summer in preparation for the practice rounds.
In closing, I would like to thank all the parents that joined us for our Jag Jog on Friday, September 30. That is one day we circle the track show- ing our school pride and community. Without the many volunteers, this day for our students would not be possible. Please know that all your efforts are appreciated since it is through your partnership that students at Joan Austin can achieve and be successful.
Terry McElligott