Dear Walking Challenge participants,
Do you have new Batteries in you pedometer or fitness tracking device?
Are you ready to see how far your team, school and Newberg Schools will walk?
The walking challenge begins on Monday September 28th.
Find attached a few files:
- personal tracking with planned weekly challenge information
- rules of the challenge
Each individual is responsible for
Tracking your daily steps and recording preferabley on the attached sheet
Giving the team captain your weekly totals by monday evening. Your team can determine the best way to get these totals to your team captain. They are due by 5pm on the following dates: Oct 5, 12,19,26, November 2,9
3. Encourage your teammates to count steps and other activities
4. Make this a fun and enjoyable challenge
Team captains will be getting additional information regarding tracking team totals and reporting!!!!!
Mariane D Pope, PT
Physical Therapist
We choose HEALTH!!
Newberg Schools--McMinnville Schools--Dayton Schools
phone messages 503 554-4715