Classified Staff Development Funds


Classified staff of Newberg Public Schools has a staff development fund for their use to improve their skills for the betterment of their job. This fund does not accumulate over time; any funds not used for that school year are returned to the general fund of our school district. The criteria for use of these funds must be met before consideration will be given to the request. Classified staff may request funds to support an opportunity for professional growth that directly results in improved current on-the-job skills. This includes seminars, workshops, conferences, and some higher education tuition that will pertain to current classified position. The funds are not available for mileage, meals, hotels, etc. A registration form and brochure for the seminar or workshop must accompany request. If the request is for higher education/college tuition, a course description and paid receipt must accompany application for reimbursement funds. Request forms and registration applications must be sent to the Classified Staff Development Committee for approval.

Following are guidelines to use when requesting funds:

  1. There is a $500.00 cap per person for each year as funds are available. If your request exceeds $500.00, you may request additional funding from another source such as: building principal or direct supervisor. The Fund is also being used to pay a portion of substitute pay, the amount will be outside of that persons yearly ‘per person’ amount allowed. A maximum of $50.00 will be allowed per request. 
  2. A completed Classified Staff Development Fund Request application form signed by you and your direct supervisor along with a completed registration form, and a brochure/flier/syllabus must be submitted to the committee in a timely manner (approximately 3-4 weeks before the event).
  3. Reimbursement will be made through the district office after it has received the completed School District Expense Reimbursement Form and proof of payment if self-paid. Please do not register or make requests and ask that our district be billed. If a classified Staff Development Fund request form has not been submitted, the request will be denied and the staff member will be responsible for payment.

All completed requests should be directed to Ellen Lowe at the district office. 


The following items need to be submitted for each request:

  • a completed request form
  • the request form signed by your supervisor
  • a completed registration form showing the cost & dates of the course/conference/workshop
  • a flier/brochure/college course catalog describing the course/conference/workshop
  • if requesting reimbursement, a completed District Reimbursement Expense Form
  • proof of payment (paid receipt, canceled check, etc.)

Missing any of the above items will cause delays in processing your request.