Incident Reports

Process for reporting an injury, disease or illness

1.   Report the injury as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours after the injury by:

  • filling out an Employee Incident Report
  • submit this form to  your immediate supervisor
  • seek medical treatment if necessary

The district's Workers Compensation carrier is Special Districts Association of Oregon.

2.  If injured on the job and medical treatment is required, a State of Oregon Workers Compensations form (801)  must be completed and filed with the business office within 24 hours of the injury. All injuries must be reported on a district Employee Incident Report form. 

3. Treating doctor:  Your physician is one of the most important people in the Workers Compensation system. Your treating physician will direct necessary  medical treatment, authorize time loss, state the medically stationary date, rate your permanent impairment and assist your receipt of vocational services. You and your physician must communicate early and regularly with the school district.

4. If the physician takes the employee off the job, returns the employee to the job and/or prescribes job restrictions, the information must be sent in writing to your immediate supervisor and the business office at

5. Early Return-to-Work:  You may be permitted to return to work in a modified job based upon your physician's recommendation. The district, at its option, may offer you a modified position so as to minimize job loss days prior to your full medical release for work. If refused, you may lose our workers compensation benefits.