Ewing Young Elementary School
17600 NE North Valley Rd
Newberg, OR 97132
Telephone: (503) 554-4750
Fax: (503)-538-7269
Office Hours
7:15 am -3:45 pm
Good afternoon Ewing Young Parents,
It's been a very busy week with some important annual events: Assessment Day and the Fun Run. Thank you for supporting these important events.
On Monday, we had a modified schedule for students as they completed assessments in reading, math and writing. "Assessment Day" is important and gives teachers important information to plan ahead for the school year. We will be sharing this information with parents at our fall conferences later in October.
This morning, we held our annual Fun Run, complete with new Fun Run shirts designed to honor Mr. Hall, who passed away unexpectedly this summer. Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us and cheer on the kids as they ran the track. Also, a BIG thank you to Mrs. Hardeman and Mrs. Waldal for coordinating the event for our school. Together, we ran over 1800 laps and raised around $10,000 in support of our school and programs. Thank you parents, grandparents, family members and local businesses for the extra support.
Next week is a short week of school, with Friday off as a state teacher training day. Enjoy a great weekend ahead. Thank you again for your support of our school and students.
The digital version of the updated Elementary Parent Handbook is now on our website! Look for it under "Parent Resources” on the Ewing Young homepage.