Mr. Milner's Friday Message 1/15/16

Dear Ewing Young Parents-

Here is an update regarding some school happenings that I shared at the EYST meeting this past week.  I wanted to make sure all parents are in-the-loop about school happenings coming up:

District Screening Assessments:

We are closing in on the mid-point of the school year.  At this time, as a district, we will be checking in on our student's progress by using screening tests called FAST and MAP.  The FAST test, assessing students’ growth in reading and math, are used with students in grades K-2.  These tests will be administered next week, January 19-22.  The MAP testing, for students in grades 3-5, will be administered during the week of February 1-5, assessing students in both reading and math.


These assessments are very useful in helping us to check on students as we progress through the school year.  Following these district assessments, we will share the results with parents, either sending them home or sharing them in a conference.


State Testing:

The Smarter Balanced state tests are tentatively scheduled for the end of April to mid-May.  Smarter Balanced tests are composed of English language arts skills and a performance task (essay writing); math skills and performance task (problem solving).  These tests are used to assess student's progress in relation to Common Core Standards.  This year, a new student assessment Bill of Rights, permits parents to opt-out of Smarter Balance assessments.  If you need more information, or have questions, please contact me, or your child's teacher.

Ewing Young Day, a state acknowledged day (SB 625), will be celebrated on February 9th.  Ewing Young is not only our school's namesake, he was also an important person in our region.  This year marks the 175th year since his death, making this an important anniversary.  The kids and I will be working on a special presentation on the morning of February 9th.  

February 11th will be Ewing Young night at the Newberg High School Basketball game, Newberg vs. Sherwood @ 7:15pm. All Ewing Young families, parents & students will be admitted for free.  You will be receiving a voucher that you present at the door that evening.

Monday, January 18th, is an important school holiday- Martin Luther King Day.  We have been sharing some information with students about the importance of this national figure, and the role he played in establishing equal opportunities for all in our country.  If you have a moment, talk to your child about Martin Luther King and his passion for equal rights.

Enjoy the weekend ahead and thank you for your support of our school and students.