Mr. Milner's Friday Message - April 8, 2016

Dear Ewing Young Parents-

Happy beautiful Friday!  Even though the weather tells me something different, I have to remember, it's only the first days of April and we have a lot of school and learning left in the year.

It's been a great week with lots of different things happening here at school.

On Tuesday, our 4th and 5th grade parents had an amazing field trip opportunity to PSU, learning and experimenting with "zero gravity".  Mr. Evers described this experience as "STEM on steroids" as it gave our students some very high levels of learning and application.  Thank you to the Manthe family for providing the connection to make this opportunity happen for our kids.  Our parents can be great links for these types of learning experiences.  Let your child's teacher know if you have a science-related connection that may inspire learning for our kids.

Tell Us What You Think!!
Newberg schools are inviting parents to share their opinions in the district's Parent Engagement and Satisfaction Survey. The annual survey is open from April 1 to 15. It addresses academics, communication, discipline, school climate, outreach and engagement and homework.

This year parents can take the survey on their phone, mobile device or computer. Schools are also arranging to have computers available for parents to access the survey.
Responses are strictly confidential. The National Center for School Leadership administers the survey.
Participation in this survey is an important way schools leaders can listen to parent opinions. Last year survey responses helped each school identify strengths, challenges and make plans to improve areas needing attention.

Parent-Teacher Conferences Coming This Week
Teachers will be completing the second block of spring conferences with parents on Thursday, April 14.  If you have not scheduled a conference time, please call the school office at 503-554-4750.

Chess Tournament Thursday at Crater
Chess is an amazing game, full of problem solving and thinking.  Our school has a Chess Club that meets on Friday mornings.  If kids would like to take their skills and interest to a competitive level, there will be a chess tournament Thursday, April 14th, 8:30am-12:00pm at Crater Elementary.

Enjoy a great weekend and week ahead.