Mr. Milner's Weekly Message

Mr. Terry Evers

Dear Ewing Young Parents-

It's been nice having a "normal" week with students, with lots of great learning happening in our classrooms and around the school.  Here are some highlights of things going on:

Mr. Evers Nominated for Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science:

On Thursday, November 10th, Mr. Evers' work as an outstanding math and science educator will be acknowledged at formal presentation at OMSI.  He is one of two Oregon finalists for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. The award is the nation’s highest honor for teachers of math and science, recognizing leaders in the improvement of math and science education.  The National Science Foundation administers the award. ​

Evers, a 27-year veteran, is known as a creative and innovative teacher who inspires interest in science, technology, engineering and math through experiential learning.  Hands-on opportunities such as wind turbine engineering, designing parachutes or animal membranes, raising salmon from eggs and debating their survival in an energy-dependent society, speaks to his knowledge and passion for science as well as his ability to challenge and inspire students to be problem solvers, designers and critical thinkers. Evers was also instrumental in transitioning Ewing Young to a STEM-focused school. His involvement with the South Metro-Salem STEM makes him an asset for district teachers, connecting them with valuable resources to support their work in science.

This is quite an honor and we are very excited for him!  He has made a tremendous impact on the teachers and students at our school.  Congratulations Mr. Evers!

3rd Grade Reading- It's a BIG Milestone!

Ewing Young staff know the importance of striving for all of our students reading by 3rd grade, but do parents?  Reading by 3rd grade is a MAJOR milestone for parents.  Research has shown that 75% of students who struggle to read by 3rd grade, never catch up.  And, those students are 4 times as likely to drop out of high school.  Parents play a HUGE role in supporting reading at home.  This past week, our K-3 teachers met with parents to give them advice and tools to help their child at home.  With our school year at 173.5 school days, our kids need to be spending time outside of school READING, especially if they are still developing their reading skills.  

​Fun Run

Thank you Ewing Young parents for helping our school to reach our Fun Run fundraising goal.  Through your efforts, parents raised over $12,000 to support enrichments, field trips, students and STEM!  We appreciate the GREAT SUPPORT!! 

Thanks EY parents for getting your children to school. Our attendance goal for the year is 95% attendance.  During the month of October, we hit 96.5%, September was 98.2%.