After School Late Bus

Mtn. View offers an After School Late Bus Mondays through Thursdays which leaves at approximately 3:45 pm delivering students who live within Newberg city limits.  Students can stay after with teachers (if prearranged) until the teacher leaves or in the Library or After School Study Hall in Room 124.  Students who ride this bus must have an After School Late Bus pass.  This pass is given  to students who let their teacher know they are riding the late bus.  If students have completed their time with the teacher, they report to the Library or After School Study Hall in Room 124 until released to catch the bus.  The Staff members in the Library and After School Study Hall also have the passes and will sign the pass. 

Students riding the bus will board and be driven to NHS at which time students who live north of 99W will board the north bus and students who live south of 99W will board the south bus.  Students inform the bus driver of their address.  Bus drivers will let students know which bus to take if the student is unsure.