Teacher Blogs

students in class

Teachers post work and other info...check it out!

Mr. Allen - http://alleng45.wixsite.com/core

Mrs. Holden - Google Classroom, have your student log in to see what's happening in class

Mrs. Hanson - Google Classroom, have your student log in to see what's happening in class 

Mr. McLay - http://mrmclay.weebly.com/

Miss Mickus - http://mickusk.wix.com/mickus

Mrs. Swayne -http://swaynej.wixsite.com/8thgradecore

Mrs. Topf - http://topfinatorstopics.com/

Mrs. Tomiyama - https://sites.google.com/a/newberg.k12.or.us/mvmsbands/

science in action