Calling all volunteers! The Career Center wants you!


Do you have a passion for helping others? Would you like to make a difference in the future of the Newberg High School students? If so, then the NHS Career Center needs your help!

The Newberg High School College and Career Center is initiating a new volunteer program to mentor our high school students in guidance and preparation of their post-secondary decisions - whether that be college, the work force, the trades, or the armed services. 

At this moment, if you are interested in volunteering, we would love to hear from you. Please complete the following survey to your best knowledge, and we will use this information to establish different opportunities for our volunteers.

Q & A's about NHS volunteers:
Q: How do I know if I would be a good volunteer? ADo you want to make a difference? Can you host a job shadow? Can you help a student fill out a scholarship form? Do you have amazing resume skills? Any of these skills and more are wanted!
Q: I have very limited time, can I still volunteer?  A: YES! Even if you have 15 minutes per week, you can be a volunteer.
Q: Is there any commitment? AThe commitment level varies depending on which program you choose to volunteer in. 
Q: Why does the high school need volunteers? A: With over 1500 students, we can't always give the amount of help we want to, and it often times takes a village!
Q: What is the process to start volunteering? 
A: Complete the following directions:
All volunteers are required to complete a volunteer screening process which includes a criminal history background check. All background checks must be renewed every four years.
Please complete the confidential criminal history application (see below to download a paper copy or an online submit form) and take it to the school district office at 714 E. Sixth in Newberg. Your photo will be taken for an identification badge. Your Volunteer ID badge will be sent to the school you will be volunteering at after the background check has been processed. The process may take up to two weeks.  Volunteers are required to read and sign a Statement of Volunteer Confidentiality and Child Abuse Reporting.

A volunteer badge is not a substitute for identification when visiting the school. All visitors need to present valid ID each time they enter a school to the office secretary before being admitted to school classrooms.  Thank you.