College and Career Information

Welcome to the College and Career Center!

The financial aid system is based on the idea that all students should have equal access — that you should be able to attend college, regardless of your financial circumstances.

Newberg Oregon School District

The Oregon Career Information System (CIS) provides a system of occupational and educational information to help Oregonians learn about the world of work and education.

Community college is a great option for many students. Students can complete a certificate program, a 2-year associate program, transfer to a 4-year college, or in some cases be dual enrolled with a community college and a university at the same time. Community colleges accept students with a high school diploma or a GED. Placement testing at a community college is often required before any courses can be scheduled. Students are not required to take the SAT or ACT for community college admission.

Oregon Community Colleges

Colleges and universities require entrance exams as part of the application process. The ACT and the SAT are the most commonly accepted  entrance exams.

The Oregon University System's seven campuses and various centers offer a diversity of experiences and environments to students interested in degree programs or higher education courses. 

Please reach out to the College and Career Center if you have any questions. The links below contain important information for students and families.


Supporting Undocumented Students on the way to college