Incoming Freshman Night

Newberg Oregon School District

Newberg High is excited to announce that we are gearing up to welcome the class of 2019 with our Incoming Freshmen Night to be held on March 9 from 6-815pm here at NHS! Complete with a curriculum fair, presentations on important information and right before we forecast for classes for next school year, all incoming freshmen and their families are strongly encouraged to attend this fun and informative event! 

Here is a quick list of the events:

  • Counselors will present information on graduation requirements and college/career readiness
  • Mr. Burke and Mr. Brown will present information on how to get involved in Newberg Nation!
  • A panel of parents, current NSH students and administrators will present information on how to help your student be more successful in high school with tips, trick, strategies and more!

Administrators will be available to answer questions about next years “Freshmen Experience!”