Students experience German school, culture

Newberg High School students and their German student partners.

Fourteen Newberg High School students completed the 25th German American Partnership Program (GAPP) exchange with Gymnasium Luechow in Luechow, Germany, this summer. 

Students were paired with German student for home stays and attending classes. The Newberg students presented talks to German students in three different schools about their lives and interests in America. Along with their German partners, students explored the city of Luneburg through a guided city tour, challenged their climbing skills at a zip-line park, visited the Volkwagen "Autostadt" and "Phaono" (an OMSI-style museum) in Wolfsburg. On a five-day trip, the American students visited Eisenach and the Wartburg Castle, where Martin Luther translated the Bible into German, as well as the beautiful, historic cities of Erfurt and Weimar. The exchange provided students will the chance to immerse themselves in German daily home and school life said Susan Schiller, NHS German teacher. She adds that the trip also provides an opportunity to use and develop their German language skills and gain an appreciation for the history and culture of Germany.

Schiller and Eric Fuchs, a 5th grade teacher at Edwards Elementary, chaperoned the group.

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 Newberg High School students in the library of Gymnasium Luechow.