Student Records

Newberg Oregon School District

Student records for undocumented youth
Application for consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals require student records that indicate enrollment in school. Please use the form below to request student records for the deferred action process.

Complete this form and return it to Tawnya Penninger, Newberg School District, 714 E. Sixth, Newberg OR 97132. Fax: 503-537-3237 You will be contacted when your records are ready to pick up, or if more information is needed.

Tawnya Penninger
Phone: 503-554-5013 

For more information about deferred action, see U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services webpage on the process for consideration of deferred action on childhood arrivals.


Special Requests
Please direct your inquiries to Tawnya Penninger, Newberg School District, 714 E. Sixth St., Newberg OR 97132


Requesting a high school transcript
A high school student may request an unofficial transcript at any time.  Any official transcript requires a signed release from a parent/guardian if the student is 17 or younger. Students 18 or older must sign their own release; legally, a parent may NOT do so. To request an official, sealed transcript for a college or university, or an unofficial student copy of your transcript, please download the Official Transcript Release form at link below.

Request a Transcipt