
Newberg Public Schools provides access to digital devices (iPads in K-2 and Chromebooks in 3-12) so our students have opportunities to use technology to learn, create, communicate, collaborate, innovate, and become responsible digital citizens, who are empowered to make good choices as they use technology and navigate digital environments. We ask that parents and guardians please take some time to review the Technology Responsible Use Agreement with their students. 



How are students learning about digital citizenship? While digital citizenship — learning how to make responsible choices online — is something that is both modeled and taught in our classrooms, we need the shared responsibility of the broader community to help our students become helpful, caring, thoughtful, and responsible in all aspects of their lives, both digital and otherwise. To put it simply: we want all Newberg School District students to be responsible, caring digital citizens. Just like while they are at school, students are responsible for making good choices and behaving appropriately while using district technology. The district does recognize that the digital environment has unique complexities that requires intentional, structured learning experiences for those who are learning to become digital citizens. If you would like to learn more about being a responsible digital citizen or modeling good digital citizenship, we recommend Common Sense Media and their numerous resources for parents/guardians who want to learn more about how to help their student navigate the digital world:

What about cyberbullying? Please immediately share any bullying concerns — online, offline or anything in between — with your school’s principal. Please also see the Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook for more.

What if my student has an issue with their password? If a student forgets their password, then any teacher or staff at their school should be able to look it up using the site. If a student’s password gets compromised or needs to be changed, then please have a teacher or staff member send an email to