Bringing student voice to the School Board

Newberg Oregon School District

Two Newberg High School students have joined the Newberg School Board as student representatives on the seven-member board of directors. Blue School senior Brianna Soumokil and Olivia Pugsley, a junior in Green School, are spending at least two nights a month bringing a student voice in matters brought before the school board. Student representatives serve in an advisory capacity and have the same privileges of discussion as the elected member of the board.

The opportunity to use her knowledge and voice to better the Newberg school community motivated Brianna to seek the student representative position. She is an active member of Thespians, Key Club and National Honor Society and currently volunteers at Love INC. She also holds a 1st Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo.

Olivia states that she strives for community involvement, collaboration and leadership. Her involvement in dance and music, volunteer community service activities coupled with her growing leadership experience contribute to a growing awareness of the importance giving back to the community to support their school. She says that being a student representative will also give a voice to students in the school district.

Brianna and Olivia are each serving a one-year term through June 30.