Health Center Open House Coming Up Next Month

Newberg Public Schools Health Center

Does your child need support for their mental and physical health? There will be an open house from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. on July 12 at the Newberg Public Schools Health Center featuring a barbecue, ice cream, free diapers, and tours of the site.

The Health Center is on the Newberg High School (NHS) campus, 2400 Douglas Ave., in the K Building, which is next to the tennis courts. Speaking of tennis, fall sports are around the corner. Many appointments to complete a sports physical can be made within a week, if not the same day, at the Health Center.

These services at the Health Center are available courtesy of voters, who approved a bond in 2021. Opening in 2022, the facility is a collaboration of the School District, Providence Medical Center, and Yamhill County. With these partnerships and with voters' support, Newberg-Dundee Public Schools can now provide a welcoming, convenient space for health care for our students and families. (Please note: NHS and Catalyst High School students receive priority scheduling.)

If you want to learn more, view this video, call 971-231-5855, or stop by the open house. If you know a child who needs support with their mental and physical health, attending the open house could be life-changing.