New website addresses higher math expectations

Newberg Oregon School District

The State Board of Education recently raised math expectations for students in elementary and middle school to create better alignment between the lower grades and the new high school graduation requirements for math. While this increased rigor will initially result in fewer students meeting the achievement standard in math, this higher bar is necessary to get our students ready for Oregon’s graduation requirements and success after high school.

Many educators, parents, and community members have questions about these higher expectations and what they will mean for Oregon kids. In order to facilitate discussion, answer questions, and provide easy access to materials and recourse, ODE is developing a Math Achievement Standards 2010-11 webpage. This page will provide the current and previous achievement standards, links to professional development opportunities, and access to a range of resources including State Board dockets, an FAQ, information about the standard setting process, achievement level descriptors, communications tools, and more. The new webpage will be available soon at the following link:

From the Oregon Department of Education