NHS, elementary schools earn “Outstanding” rating

Newberg Oregon School District

Significant improvement in reading and math by 10th grade students on state tests launched Newberg High School into an “Outstanding” rating by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE). Newberg High School is one of 91 out of 270 Oregon high schools receiving an Outstanding rating. The high school received a “Satisfactory” rating a year ago.

ODE released its 12th annual school report card today. Each school report card is rated as either Outstanding, Satisfactory or in Need of Improvement. The ratings and report card data are designed to provide accountability and provide a stating point for discussion about school successes and opportunities.

Edwards, Antonia Crater, Mabel Rush and Ewing Young elementary schools sustained their “Outstanding” rating by the state. All other district schools received a “Satisfactory” rating.

The high school’s rise in performance is due to a 15 percentage point increase in reading scores and a seven percentage point increase in math scores. All student subgroups (gender, ethnicity, economically disadvantaged, limited English and students with disabilities) reached state and federal achievement targets.

School and district report cards offer a comprehensive look at how Oregon schools are performing. They include a thorough overview of schools, including information on student test performance, school improvement, attendance, dropout rates, class size, SAT scores, expulsions due to weapons, and teacher education and experience. Last year, a student growth model was incorporated into the report cards to measure student learning over time to demonstrate whether schools are helping students make progress towards meeting state achievement standards.