School Board urges adoption of Common Core Standards

The Newberg School Board passed Resolution 2011-02 urging the Oregon State Board of Education to adopt national common core standards in English-language arts and mathematics at its next meeting.

The National Common Core State Standards Initiative is a state-led effort to establish a single set of clear educational standards for English-language arts and mathematics that states can share and voluntarily adopt. The Common Core Standards are benchmarked to international standards to guarantee that our students are competitive in the emerging global marketplace.
The standards were developed using the best available evidence and the highest state standards across the country and globe. These standards are designed to ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared to go to college or enter the workforce. The Common Core Standards were developed so that parents, teachers, and students have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.

Presently, Oregon's current adopted curriculum standards are not aligned pre-k through grade 20, nor are the current content standards benchmarked to international standards.

The Newberg School Board’s resolution also encourages the Department of Education to establish an aggressive timeline to begin aligning Oregon’s assessment and accountability system to the new standards and national efforts toward common state assessments.