Students compete to compute "24"

Newberg Oregon School District

How fast can you add, subtract, multiply and divide to make 24? On Saturday, April 16, 2011, almost 100 fourth, fifth, and sixth graders from all six elementary schools and both middle schools competed with lightening fast speed to mentally compute “24”.

The competition, which took place at Mountain View Middle School, was the 7th annual tournament. Forty high school students and 10 middle school algebra students acted as Equation Officers to lay down the competition cards and listen to the younger students solve the equations. Middle school math teachers kept track of the progress of the event.

All students participated in three rounds that lasted ten minutes each. The top scoring students then competed in the quarterfinals, then half of these advanced to the semifinals. The final table had the top four students at each grade level competing for a trophy. The last three rounds were made more difficult because the target number in the center of the card was no longer 24, but some number between 0 and 48. Sixth grade students had the additional challenge of using the double digit numbers on their cards.

Trophies were awarded for each grade level. The following students were finalists:
4th Grade:
1st Trey Fincher, Crater
2nd Zoe Burridge, Crater
3rd Paris Boileau, Ewing Young
4th Caleb Muthiah, Mabel Rush

5th grade:
1st Evan Hylton, Ewing Young
2nd Ronni Van Zant, Ewing Young
3rd Zoe Jenkins, Ewing Young
4th Adrienne Nicholson, Dundee

6th grade
1st Tyler Straub, CV
2nd Genesis Ulloa, MV
3rd Ryan Hanks, MV
4th Rayce Vergets, CV

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Newberg Oregon School District
Newberg Oregon School District
Newberg Oregon School District
Newberg Oregon School District
Newberg Oregon School District
Newberg Oregon School District
Newberg Oregon School District